Este vídeo púxeno de proba. É q me apetecía poñer un vídeo musical no meu . Non é que me gustara pola canción nin polo video, foi simplemente polo calendario dixital e táctil que se pode ver no comezo do video. Paréceme algo interesante. Eu quero un así!! Alguén sabe se se fabrican aqui?? O malo é q os Reis xa marcharon, ji, ji.
Tamén adxunto a foto do calendario ou organizador ou como se chame:
Bromas a parte, aquí é onde se ve que os que teñen cartos son os q teñen máis oportunidades de acceder ás últimas tecnoloxías. Deberían ser máis accesibles. Deberiamos potenciar o software libre. Xa me enterei tamén de que hai un ordenador portátil de 100$ pero aqui non se comercializa, de momento! Tamén é dunha empresa de software libre. Dende aqui, doulle as gracias ós que se adican a facer desas cousas e anímoos a que sigan. [sinceramente, non creo que ninguén o lea, pero a intención é o q conta, non?]
4 comentarios:
Bueno, es la leche el calendario este! la verdad es que aquí siempre estamos de últimos en la cola...A ver si poco a poco vamos avanzando y si nos ayudan los del software libre!!!
HAHHAHAHAHA lets see if you can guess who I am. I was checking out your blog. It´s nice and pink. Well I was reading you commentary and well i just wanted to respond cause you said that no one reads the blogs. It´s ture.hehehe. Anyways keep up the good work. Looking good. The video does suck but hey. Where did you say that there are laptops for 100€? Do they have wireless?? Bye Bye ; )
Hey!! Hi!! Let's try: R u David? R u Oguz?? Paqui?? I'm confused!! Don't know who u r but, anyway u r a friend of mine, so welcome to my blog!!Those 100$ (Dollar, not euro)laptops I've talked about are American and they are bought by poor countries which don't have the means to buy a normal one. However, I consider they should be sold here as well and in any other country in the world, because they are a good opportunity for children to have one and iniciate in the use of pcs. Don't u think??
I haven't icluded the video because it was cool. I don't like it either, I've just included it because I like the digitl calendar in it (I took a picture of it as well). It was explained in the same blog entry, just below the video. Besides, I wanted to try how to put a video in the blog. That's why I have put it. I'm learning a lot in this subject, man!! or woman, or whatever.
Take care and thanks for your comment.
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